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The Craftsman's Blog

Andi Altendorfer, e-Matrix Innovations
A playground and sandbox for Altex

2019       2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 altex andi apple attic ax bash blog book bucketier conf craft css datasource dev elixir env erlang exconfig hardware hex i3 interview javascript learning linux liveview mac misc nerves obsolete organisation people phoenix podcasts project quote shell simplicity software talk timewrap tweet util video vim
, 2019-05-30
First of all, I need to express my anger about the latest Apple developments. The story starts with a broken keyboard in a 2017 MacBook Pro. Apple will replace the keyboard without costs, but they will take it for two to four weeks. So, I found one of my old MacBooks (2011) will do an excellent job for this time. Only, there was MacOS Sierra, not even High Sierra installed. And with Sierra, I ....
, 2019-05-05
I’m a Un✪x shell and Vi[m] user since 1986 and after years, my environment settings become messy. I never have to clean up because I was the only one using it. … and it was so convenient. But now, I’m about to persuade my colleague to use vim for better pair programming. We started with a newly created user on a macMini running OS X. Quickly, it turns out that my beloved environment becomes a hurdle. Everything I want to show to my colle....
2019       2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 altex andi apple attic ax bash blog book bucketier conf craft css datasource dev elixir env erlang exconfig hardware hex i3 interview javascript learning linux liveview mac misc nerves obsolete organisation people phoenix podcasts project quote shell simplicity software talk timewrap tweet util video vim