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The Craftsman's Blog

Andi Altendorfer, e-Matrix Innovations
A playground and sandbox for Altex

       2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 altex andi apple attic ax bash blog book bucketier conf craft css datasource dev elixir env erlang exconfig hardware hex i3 interview javascript learning linux liveview mac misc nerves obsolete organisation people phoenix podcasts project quote shell simplicity software talk timewrap tweet util video vim
Andi, 2021-12-01
Welcome to Altex this is work in progress. Please be patient and stay tuned. A. Altendorfer Status As of today, 2021-12-19, we have three of the ax hex packages published in their 0.1 versions.axentity, axrepo, and ax_webclient. A few other packages will follow while we’....
Andi, 2020-09-14
I love Elixir and the implementation of protocols. Here is an example of how you can implement a protocol for a given data type/structure. What this example shows: 1st: There is a protocol named Usecase. It declares all functions of the implementation of the protocol Usecase needs. So, you can execute it like so: Define a module for your use casedefmoduleDateUsecasedouseClean# <= this impl....
       2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 altex andi apple attic ax bash blog book bucketier conf craft css datasource dev elixir env erlang exconfig hardware hex i3 interview javascript learning linux liveview mac misc nerves obsolete organisation people phoenix podcasts project quote shell simplicity software talk timewrap tweet util video vim